Academic Regulations - 2017-18
- RGUKT follows Co-operative education model and Flipped class room model. According to cooperative education model the course structure and syllabus were prepared and according to flipped class room model the syllabus shall be taught by faculty to students.
- The entire syllabus of each course is divided into 6 Units. First 2 Units shall be completed for MID-I, second 2 Units shall be completed for MID-II and last 2 Units shall be completed for MID-III examinations.
- Lecture plan of each course shall be prepared by Faculty well in advance before starting of the Semester and accordingly, the syllabus of courses shall be completed.
- In flipped class room model, the video lectures (MOOCs: NPTEL, Khan Academy, EdX, MIT Open Courseware, Coursera, Udacity) shall be presented for students in big lecture halls and tutorial & problem solving shall be conducted in small class rooms.
- A period is of one and half hour duration. For a typical 4 credit course, the instruction shall be 2 periods per week and tutorial & problem solving shall be 2 periods per week, in total for a typical 4 credit course shall consume 4 periods (6 hours) per week.
- Students have to go through the video lectures available in our servers one day before the actual scheduled class period in the next day. On the next day, during the instruction period (1.5 hours), the class teacher shall present one hour or one and half hour video lecture (which were already gone through in the previous day) to the students in the bigger class room and followed by the smaller class room teaching.
- The class teacher shall monitor the tutorial and problem solving session (3 hours) to the students in the small class rooms with the help of teaching assistants.
- In addition to 6 hours of class room work (lectures, tutorials & problem solving sessions), students have to work 3 hours of assignments per subject per week at dorms.
- The teaching assistants required for tutorials & problem solving to be taken from top 20% of E3 and E4 students.
- These flipped classes shall be conducted for all regular courses offering from P1 to E2. E3 and E4 students may be in internships so they go through online mode.
- Students shall have to attend 2 periods per week for a registered Lab (1 credit) in a semester.
- Students shall register for mini-project (4 credits) and project (6 credits) during E3 & E4 and shall be dedicated 6 hours and 9 hours slots per week for mini-project & project in the respective Time Tables. The mini-project or project may be done either in the Campus or in the industry.